mercoledì 25 maggio 2011

The Frasassi Caves

The Frasassi Caves

The Frasassi Caves (Italian: “Grotte di Frasassi” ) are a remarkable karst cave system in the province of Ancona. They are among the most famous show caves in Italy.

The caves, were discovered by a group of Ancona speleologists between 1948 and 1971 they are located 7 km south of Genga, in the province of Ancona.

They have a lot of water and the cave system is very rich in stalactites

and stalagmites. The first cave to be dicovered an

d the most significant, is the ” Grotta Grande del Vento” (The Great Cave of the Wind).

Within the caves you can admire the natural limestone sculptures formed by water and rock

in 190 million years.

By flowing on the limestone the water dissolves small amounts of limestone that fall to the ground this steady dripping that lasts thousands of years creates courios forms.

These are divided into stalagmites (columns that grow from bot

tom up ) and

stalactites (instead hanging from the ceiling of the cavity ) .

The cavers have nicknamed the the stalactites and stalagmites in a curious way, the most famous are: the "Giant", the "Camel" and the "Dromedary", the “She-Bear", the "Our Lady/Virgin", the "Damocle's Sword ", "Niagara Falls ".

Inside the caves there are also pools of stagnant water (where the water drops) and wells, up to 25 meters deep thatre cavities that can collect water or fed to the lower floors make it get through lower karst levels.

Photo1 = Route of Frasassi Caves (Itinerario delle Grotte di Frasassi)

Photo2 = Blu Cave (Grotta Blu)

Photo3 = Genga (Genga)

Photo4 = Localization of Frasassi Caves

Realized by Francesca Chiari, Noemi Checcucci, Lisa Noviello

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