Alps to the Adriatic Sea (in the province of Gorizia and Trieste). Through the western Slovenia and Istria it continues to the northern massif of the Alps Bebie at the extreme northwest of Croazia, thus extending among Italy ,Slovenia and Croazia. In particular, the Mount Karst is a modest height of 456 m, located at the mouth of the Val Rosandra in the province of Trieste.

The limestone rocks are soluble by the elem
ents, in particular by the carbonic acid content of the rain and these are then modelled in various forms over time, giving rise to the phenomenon of the Karst. The most important one are the sinkholes. The Karst is full of thousands of caves of various sizes. Some of these
caves are open to visitors
and the most famous is the Grotta Gigante (Gigant Cave), the Caves of Canziano and Postumia. 

The Karst is crossed by a rich network of paths, on foot or by mountain bike, which branch out through the various
types of landscape from the hills planted with pine meadows up to the rocky Karst , through the characteristic karst vegetation, better maintained in the less urbanized areas. It presents an interesting and unique landscape, due to the lack of surface hydrography. Bec
ause of the chemical dissolution creating the cracking of the rock, water in fact sinks into the ground.
The element that more than others features the landscape is vegetation because plants, unlike animals, can’t move from where they were born and grow and therefore they are doomed to be affected in case of sudden climate changes and environmental issues. Plants are then tied to the herbivores that feed on them and that in turn are food for carnivores. Plants, animals and physical environment interact very closely together, creating the delicate balance of nature that is the result of a long and complex evolution. This area is strongly influenced by karst phenomenon that makes the ground harsh and dry. In some areas the rock is covered with a thin layer of red earth, with its clay component. The flora of the Carso is very special because it is rich in endemic species, unique species that cannot be found in other areas of south-eastern Europe.

The fauna of the Karst is also particularly rich as it is housed in such a varrying environment. It is not uncommon to come across large ungulates such as deers or venisons, but also in small insects such as the colorful butterflies and praying mantis, as well as frogs and toads. Among the reptiles are the most important are the Proteus and the horned viper, and the harmless slow worm. Among the birds, the coal tit, the robin, the hoopoe, the blackbird, the pheasant, and many other songbirds, crows and birds of prey. You cannot forget squirrels, hares, moles and hedgehogs. Among the predators there are the fox, the marten, the stone marten and wildcat. Among the smaller animals the tick is particularly dangerous .

(A deer)

(A hedgehog)
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